
  • Octabromoether
  • 公司名稱: 萊州迪龍化工有限公司
  • 聯(lián)系方式: 186-5350-6629   137-0645-0739
  • 公司地址: 山東省萊州市銀?;@
  • 掃描二維碼立即咨詢該產(chǎn)品


Octabromoted ether product presents white powder, which is known for its low toxicity, solubility in benzene, acetone, chloroform, and insolubility in water and hexanol. Its decomposition temperature should be>285 ℃, so it is also the main product in the deep processing of tetrabromobisphenol, with strong flame retardant effect. At the same time, octabromoether, as one of the additive flame retardants, contains both aromatic bromine and aliphatic bromine. Because octabromoether is an excellent flame retardant product, it has better thermal stability and light stability. It is mainly used in polypropylene, polypropylene, polypropylene resin, polyvinyl chloride resin and resin. Compared with hexabromocyclododecane, the decomposition temperature is higher, and hexabromocyclododecane cannot be replaced in some aspects.
Application of octabromoether
Octabromoether is mainly used in plastic flame retardants, especially in polypropylene and polystyrene. This product has good thermal stability, light stability, good synergistic effect with Sb2O3, and excellent flame retardant effect. It is widely used in PP, PE, ABS, PVC and other resins, especially for PP plastics. It is an excellent flame retardant for PP plastics at present.

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