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Correct use of tetrabromoether

During the whole processing, the materials need to contact with various dyes, auxiliaries, fireproof agents, etc., and then be added to the liquid to become a solution, lotion, dispersion, and adsorbed on the surface of the bubble film. Since the surface tension is lower than that of the foam film, it attracts the active agent and foaming material, reduces the surface viscosity of the foam liquid film, locally thins and ruptures it. When using tetrabromoether, which method is the correct operation?
Tetrabromoether contains fire resistance and flame retardancy, so improper use will lead to accidents. Therefore, be careful during use. If the use amount is not up to the standard, the effect is not ideal, and the pollution cost will also be increased. When using, add an appropriate amount. However, in actual operation, tetrabromoether is diluted with a large amount of water first, and then filtered into the cylinder to effectively avoid the formation of pollutants and ensure the quality. Before selection, ask for the manufacturer's suggestions, and consider the specific use requirements, effectiveness, supplier services and other factors when purchasing.
Dilute before use, add warm water of specified proportion according to the steps, and stir fully to avoid uneven lumps. If the dilution is not uniform, the pollutants will settle on the parts. If it is operated in the high temperature season, a small amount of bactericide can also be added to prevent deterioration due to too long storage time.
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